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An interview with Pam Janke & Carol O'Rourke (Schevers). Life on the farm.

Aunt Carol tells her story of life on the farm as having lived here for 70 years through an audio interview with Midwest Farm Reports, own Pam Jahkne, a.k.a. The Fabulous Farm Babe.

Carol talks about the farm's humble beginnings, transition through the decades and generations, and her experience living on the property for 70+ years.

"For more than 70 years, Carol Schevers O'Rourke has called their farm outside Oneida home. There's been changes in the family dynamics, and the evolution of production agriculture to deal with.

Carol visits with Pam Jahnke about how the farm started in 1914 after some of the family moved to Outagamie county from Holland. Initially they were dairy producers around 1915-1916, but things had to change after a death in the family.

Listen into learn how they persisted in keeping the farm together, and are already planning for the next generation to maintain the land."


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