So many fall projects, additions, reimagines, it's what we do best.
First things first- we hired a excavation company (Hank Olson & Co.) to come and smooth our our dirt piles along our north pond, a.k.a Lake Maxwell. It had been an eyesore for far too long, and it was a pain to try to manage- which we were failing at completely due to the steepness of the piles.
Viola! Hire a competent and trusted contractor and problem solved! Best $1800 we have spent on the property thus far!
Brad, finally got to enjoy his hunting cabin established in a far flung corner of the prairie, overlooking the entire acreage and setback right on the edge of our woods. Makes a great destination on our walks through the fall prairie, and will be an even nicer spot for a break in wintertime snowshoeing, summer wanders, and more. Happy, happy. Grandpa Gary even got a buck for the first inaugural hunting season.
Our little Henry is not so little anymore, he's becoming a handy little man with us around the farm and on the land. Helping, talking more, and telling us what's what! And Max the Pony comes back home, he had been away for a little while and returns to be Henry's little steed!
Henry and Max! Dreams do come true.