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Our chickens, arrive.

Brad's Girls!

The chicks arrived late July 2019 via the local Post Office.

Our girls and a few boys were ordered from Murray McMurray and were a joy to watch grow.

We ordered:

2 True Green Whitings Thomas & Percy

2 Crevecoeur (1 rooster, 1 hen) Loverboy & Whitni

6 Ameraucana Goldie & Co.

1 White Polish (bonus rooster) Silkie - our fave.

For a total of 16 for our beginner flock.

We decided to create a chicken tractor so they could graze the yard, field, etc all summer long. Sounded quite dreamy in idea but much less attractive in practicality as our chicken tractor was too heavy to move by hand and required the Skid steer to shift it daily.

We managed to use the chicken tractor for summer 2020 and 2021. We decided in spring 2022 to shift the girls back to the coop in the shed and make them a permanent large run. Deciding to sell the chicken tractor instead of having a moveable unit seemed like a good idea at the time.

Our beautiful eggs before we downsized our flock.


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