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The Turkey Diary Continues, Lets Move Locations

I decided to try a different location for turkey this morning. I had gotten one last year from this spot and seen lots of action. It wasn't long and the woods woke up. Toms were gobbling at the start of light. It was so exciting. I made a few calls and could hear the toms gobble back. I gave it time as to not over call. It got quiet and I assumed the turkeys were getting out of the trees. I did some more calling and waiting. Off to the side I could see some movement. I was like this is happening, they are coming. They were coming, just not the Big Tom... 2 hens and a jake were coming. It was still neat having them check out my decoy setup and see what I was doing. After another hour of no action, I started to peak around and I seen several of them 400 yards out. The Toms were all strutting and dancing for the hens. I got an idea. I was going to sneak across the field, go through the woods and get ahead of the turkeys. If i could do that and make a few calls, maybe I could get one to come in. I hurried and using my maps and gps i blazed on through the woods and was getting close to position. As i slowly got to the edge of the field I seen it....nothing. I was outsmarted by the turkeys. Now I am all sweaty and and decide to give it a rest for the day and move locations in the morning. I now knew where I had to be.


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