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Our Thunder Moon - the full moon.

The reason we name our farm, Our Thunder Moon, has everything to do with summer, celebration, thankfulness, and manifesting our destiny. We decided early on that this full moon would be the perfect date to celebrate our lives becoming one at this beautiful place.

To honor where our land is located, the work we are doing as reparations to the land and those that have come before us it is important to acknowledge all the people and beings that have walked this land before us. We are thankful to be the stewards of this place.

We spoke our truths about love, the land, and the acknowledgment of this place and the beings that have lived and live here in front of our nearest and dearest. A fitting site was in front of the prairie and the place we call home.

"Every full moon has a special name. It’s often given by Indigenous groups, and the name can tell you something about the natural world around the time of this moon. A full moon’s name can also tell you something about the energy of a certain time of the year. In July, we ponder the spiritual meaning of the Thunder Moon.

The Western Abenaki have named July’s full moon the Thunder Moon due to the likelihood of thunderstorms around this time. The Anishinaabe call it the Halfway Summer Moon, which places it right in the middle of the summer as it tends to be felt, rather than according to the seasons or the solstice. Several traditions also call it the Full Buck Moon, referring to the time when the male deer are showing off their impressive antlers.

This time of year is about fullness, growth, and an intensity of energy that can hum in the afternoon heat and then crackle into thunderstorms. Summer is at its peak in terms of sunshine, warmth, and ripe berries before the ebb of August and September.

The Spiritual Meaning of Ripeness—and Stormy Emotions

July can feel like the peak of the year, the moment when things come most fully into their culmination. Just a few weeks after the summer solstice, it’s a time to consider what we have been growing and cultivating internally over the course of the year. Many have also recently left behind the end of the school year and the beginning of summer break. This can be a moment of ripeness, rest, enjoyment, and celebration."

We are thankful you have stumbled upon us and this place.


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