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Conservation plan for land takes shape.

Conservation Plan & School

Conservation taking shape.

Our friends at the local NRCS office were busy helping us to create our plan via a formal Conservation Plan document. It was taking shape, we could almost see the prairie planted and in bloom. The logistics were also beginning to take shape including the seeds we would order, trees to plant, contractors to hire, and materials to purchase. All we needed to do was wait till the soybeans were off the field to seed in our wildflowers, sedges, grasses, and habitat!

The renderings below, nix the sheep- we go for prairie restoration, pond scrapes, and acres of wildflowers!

School the 1st Degree.

School continued along, by the end of this Semester I would have my Associates Degree tuned into an Individualized Education Plan fusing both Sustainable Agriculture & Business Event Management into a farm based event business - perfectly suited for future business endeavors on the farm. Coursework would include, Organic Poultry Management, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Businesses, Permaculture, Meeting & Event Management, and Economics. I had completed my degree and had a 4.0 to boot, I was elated!


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