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The Final Spring Turkey Hunt of 2022

This is was going to be my last opportunity to hunt turkey this year. I know where to go and it was going to work. I get out early to make sure I have the decoys all set up and I"m sitting in place before the turkeys wake up. I wait for the sounds of the first Gobble. I hear them and start working the calls. The Toms are all gobbling and I am calling and hear more gobbling. It is back and forth and sounds wonderful. Again I wait for them to get down from roost and it starts to get quiet in the distance. They are coming down and only a matter of time before they come my was. I see a few birds off in the distance but no Toms strutting. I wonder where they are, they have to come. Nothing comes, it quiet and there is little action. My time was limited this morning so I have to leave but I learned a lot.....

I learned I have to learn so much more about turkey calling and decoy set up. When I would call, the Toms would gobble...but was it at me or was it because thats what toms do. I need to make those hen call more appealing so it back to more YouTube videos to see what all the "experts" say. I also need to learn more about decoy set up. I don't want a tom to think he is walking into a trap. It should be more inviting like a brothel.

In the past I would have friends call and set up for me. It worked and always had a great show of birds. I will get this down and hopefully next year call some birds in and see some dancing up close.


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